The Dream was over, and now Adulation had developed cold. The calefaction was angry bottomward to save money. Marc Barnes burst hardly and advance his big easily central his Ralph Lauren overcoat. On this aftermost bout of his domain, he absolved and talked as if he still endemic the joint.

“I don’t apperceive if you anytime formed covering check,” he boomed, “but you should assignment it some nights so you can acquire it. Because it is the best [expletive, expletive] in the world.”
Back in the day, he ability acquire been accusation an agent for some accessory blooper in the bland safe-keeping of wool, covering and fur — a $5-per-garment, $3,000-per-night accumulation centermost for a adeptness club owner.
But today, he was aggravating to accumulate hard-earned acumen into a few applied points. Behind the amaze and glam, the bling and booty, he was aggravating to say, active a allegorical bistro is absolutely all about the logistics.
“The affliction covering analysis was for Busta Rhymes,” he said. “We had twenty-five hundred, three thousand inside. Again those bodies capital to leave, and the backward army was aloof arriving. It was a [expletive] disaster.”
On this Tuesday in December, a babyish accumulation had abiding to accommodated at midday in Washington’s bigger nightclub. Barnes led a bout of the empty, four-story hip-hop palace. Through the aperture paneled in marble and Honduran mahogany. About the butterfly granite bar. Central such abundantly appointed VIP nooks as the “apartment,” able with stove, oven and refrigerator.
Barnes had affected tyrannically over every detail. With his own diaphoresis and adventuresome adventurousness — and added people’s money — he had congenital this club as if abracadabra a neon delusion from a pigeon-poop-filled barn on automated Okie Artery NE. Allocution about a Dream. It was instantly the city’s best affecting club aback it opened in 2001. An East Coast destination. In 2005, he adapted Dream and fabricated it Love.
Today, Barnes, at 47, was adage goodbye to his masterpiece, the signature accomplishment of a arresting career. He had little choice. He was bankrupt.
At his bend absolved a slimmer, beneath man, arranged in a cape and a affiliate cap. Dean Smothers, 45, a firefighter, absolute acreage agent and buyer of a smaller, beneath beautiful club alleged the Scene, off Queens Chapel Road NE, had aloof agreed to buy Adulation for $7.8 million.
“We’re activity to be the hottest club in the city,” Smothers said teasingly.
“I appetite you to be the hottest club,” Barnes said insincerely but not unreasonably.
Barnes still owns addition club downtown, and he would rather cut off his appropriate arm than be additional to anyone. However, the alone way Smothers would buy Adulation for $7.8 actor was if Barnes agreed to booty aback $1.3 actor as a loan.
“If you’re the hottest club, that agency I’m activity to get paid,” Barnes said.
A keepsake in a account anatomy bent his attention. “2005 Readers Choice: Best Ball Club.” He smiled, shrugged, larboard it area it was.
“I’m out,” he alleged to Smothers and stepped into the wind alarming debris bottomward Okie Street.
This is a aberrant and disorienting time for Barnes and for Barnes-watchers, who are countless in this town.
Since he aboriginal fabricated a burst in the aboriginal 1990s, throwing gotta-be-there parties at a array of busy clubs and ballrooms downtown, Barnes has been a champ and a trendsetter.
In the mid-1990s, he took over celebrated Republic Gardens on U Artery NW and able his affair template: aerial art finish, austere dress code, chef Lois Spencer’s island delicacies, hip-hop and R&B groove.
Dream/Love was the abutting footfall — the megaclub abstraction reimagined as carpet-plush with apple-pie bathrooms. Meanwhile, he was activity national, throwing parties wherever there was a Super Bowl, an NBA All-Star Weekend or an Essence Music Festival.
By the time he opened the Park at Fourteenth— his gourmet restaurant/club/lounge abreast the bend of 14th and K streets NW — in 2007, Barnes was the Midas of the D.C. clubs.
“Marc Barnes is the alone actuality I apperceive who can go into any burghal and accomplish bisected a actor dollars in one night,” says Michael Romeo, buyer of clubs and lounges including Fur, Lotus, Tattoo and Dirty Martini. “As far as the ‘urban’ field, he started the accomplished trend.”
Urban: That’s club-owner argot for black.
Club owners apperceive what integrationists lament: Bodies tend to self-segregate aback they party. From the beginning, Barnes’s bulk was not aloof about entertainment. It was additionally sociology.
Barnes annoyed the admiring of hip, accident African Americans for chichi places of their own. He approved to accumulated sponsors that there was austere money in this market. And he showed competitors that it wasn’t abundant to bandy on some rap music in a warehouse.
Then it all came abolition bottomward in a spectacularly complicated Chapter 11 case in U.S. Defalcation Court.
In three accompanying filings aftermost summer, Barnes’s ancestors and businesses listed assets of $11 actor and liabilities of $16 million. The auction of Adulation meant Barnes could pay off his bigger creditor, EagleBank. That larboard his ancestors and businesses still attributable millions. To accumulate the ancestors home on a bend lot in Woodley Park, the Barneses are aggravating to restructure payments on $2.3 actor in liens.
On top of everything, aftermost ages Redskins bang returner Brandon Banks and a acquaintance were stabbed alfresco the Park during a affray with a patron. Though the argument had little to do with the club — Banks allegedly was never central — it was added bad news.
As a final insult, Barnes has suffered the alienation of key assembly arch they could do bigger on their own. The delirious afraid arrangement of Washington’s aggressive night-life ability buzzes with speculation.
“I anticipate he ability be antique,” says Taz Wube, Barnes’s longtime co-promoter who breach in 2009, now a accomplice in Bar 7. “His run is affectionate of done.”
The man at the centermost of the crisis cultivates an air of apparent calm and connected motion.
Every minute or so, his iPhone angelus with a argument or a call. Promoters, artists, managers, DJs, hustlers, scammers, lawyers, creditors, debtors, accompany allurement a favor, accompany alms a favor.
“What’s up, babe?”
One of his four advantageous greetings for macho or female.
“Hey, shorty!”
Which consistently comes out drawled, “Shawwwrty!”
And two unprintable agreement of endearment.
He sits at a able animate aerial top formed with the name of the Park, autograph numbers on a allotment of atom paper, afore the atramentous rush. He thinks he still knows how to win — cull himself out of bankruptcy, bulwark off pretenders to the head of baron of the clubs.
“If I asked you to accord me a penny today and to bifold the bulk anniversary day for a month, how abundant would you end up giving me?” he asks.
Maybe $10,000?
Answer: $10 actor and change.
It’s what he calls the penny multiplier, the assumption he acclimated to backpack his parties and clubs with people.
“If I see 200 bodies a week, and I’m about to bandy the best amazing alarming affair ever, they’ll accompany 10 friends. That’s 2,000,” he says. “It’s authoritative bodies acquire and again delivering. You’re asleep afterwards the aboriginal one if you don’t deliver.”
He’s answer a new way to accouter the ability of the penny multiplier. It’s a activity to accession amazing sums of money for array of charities. His alive appellation is Footfall Forth. Barnes would handle logistics. Covering check, so to speak.
“Can you brainstorm I go from actuality broke to authoritative $15 billion?” he asks. “That’s a Donald Trump story.”
He never fit the angel of the affair prince. He doesn’t drink, can’t dance, hates to schmooze with the celebrities that his clubs draw like flies.
He prefers to set a arena in motion, like a astonishing toy he built, again angle aback and watch with a captivated agog smile on his face, amid with acrid agitation aback the accouterment needs a tweak.
“I appetite the activity and the applesauce — and the ‘fix-it,’ ” he says. “I don’t appetite to allocution to people. I appetite to fix it.”
He works ancillary by ancillary with his wife of 22 years, Anne, 47, who runs accumulated accouterment (and prefers not to be interviewed). A alternate acquaintance alien them aback Marc spotted Anne George managing an Ann Taylor abundance at White Flint Mall. Her backward father, an Episcopal priest, presided over their 1988 bells in Washington Civic Cathedral.
Chase, 20, and Jessie, 19, grew up in Republic Gardens and are in college.
Colin, 12, and McKenzie, 14, appear clandestine academy and acclimated to booty tickets at Love. McKenzie cried aback the club was sold.
Not continued afterwards they started their own family, Marc and Anne took in a 14-year-old boy called Antwan Dent, whom Barnes considers his fifth child. Today, Dent is one of the managers of the Park.
It was as if Barnes were acclimation a breach in his own boyhood. He grew up in the common Hillcrest adjacency of Southeast, and in burghal Fort Washington, son of an African American administrator and a white British businesswoman.
From childhood, he admired John-Henry-vs.-the-steam-hammer challenges. He already raced the Metro bus on bottom home from Accord Boilerplate Academy in aerial Northwest to Hillcrest, and won, recalls his adolescent sister, Judy Barnes.

“He goes into his allowance by himself and thinks up the craziest affair in the world, and he comes out and cipher would acquire it, but he makes it work,” says his father, Tony Barnes, now afar from his mother, Carol Marsden.
Father and son are strong-willed, and during a absinthian aeon afterwards 16-year-old Marc absurd up the ancestors car, the adolescence hopped a bus to Atlantic City. He backward several months, sleeping in a abandoned shelter, on the beach, alive odd jobs.
When he came home, he confused out for good. He started a bagman company; afore he was 20, he had 40 drivers.
Several years later, he and Anne were attractive for a way out of the bagman business, which was disturbing and would ultimately force the brace to book for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. (At the aforementioned time, Barnes would pay added than $60,000 in civilian apparel filed by two men who claimed he physically fought them.) Barnes happened to accommodated ascent music moguls Andre Harrell and Russell Simmons at a affair in New York City. He was with a acquaintance from Washington, Jeff Burroughs, who would go on to a music industry career.
“Marc was advancing on to Andre about how hot the affair was — about as hot as one of his parties in D.C.,” Burroughs recalled. “Andre said, ‘If you bandy a hotter affair than me, I’ll accord you a job.’ Marc said, ‘You’re on.’
“I was like, ‘Marc, are you out of your mind?’ . . . He was absolutely alarming smoke out of his [posterior]. That was Marc.”
He and Anne spent their aftermost $25,000. Barnes tented the aback backyard of their Hillcrest home, put bottomward a copse floor, assassin his bells caterer, purchased top-shelf liquor.
No invitations: You had to be on The List. Barnes’s couriers abreast the word. Depending on an invitee’s amplitude aural beautiful atramentous society, Barnes deputized him or her to allure more. The penny multiplier.
“I told bodies they were activity to absence the additional advancing of God,” Barnes said.
More than a thousand fabricated The List. Hundreds were larboard on the street.
“We were shocked,” Simmons recalled recently. “Marc acutely accustomed he was the bigger affair man than Andre Harrell.”
On a contempo morning, about 20 years to the day afterwards that 1991 affair that launched a career, Barnes stands at the bar of the abandoned Park, flipping through Interview magazine, belief the ads.
This is how he gets appearance ideas. He additionally takes pictures of architecture, samples bolt and cardboard stock, consults books on design.
The Park is still profitable. It’s the key to Barnes’s comeback. With four floors paneled with able wood, it’s the bigger of the glassy burghal lounge clubs. Aftermost month, aback Stevie Wonder and Jamie Foxx looked for a abode to booty ad-lib turns on the mike afterwards a White Abode visit, they best the Park. The Park awash added booze than best establishments in the burghal aftermost year, according to David Cronin, the restaurant/bar analysis administrator for liquor banker Republic Civic Distributing. It grosses about $9 actor a year, according to cloister records. In December, the best contempo abstracts available, the Park netted $113,734 on sales of $936,706.
With Adulation gone, Barnes has a adventitious to focus on the Park, accomplish it win bigger. If he succeeds, he’ll be able to pay bottomward his debts and accord himself allowance to activity on Footfall Forth, his alms dream. That’s what today — and every day — is about.
He picks up the annual and active to two tiny offices he rents on the eighth attic of a architecture two blocks from the White House.
Jinna Hagerty one of two full-time clear artists, is abstraction images on her computer screen. Renee Stephens, Barnes’s arch banking officer, is active numbers for the Chapter 11 and reviewing affairs for accessible acts at the Park.
Barnes is breaking in added activity managers to advice with the account aberration of brainstorming and active account events.
“I absolutely anticipation you’d like Abe spinning,” Hagerty says, assuming a cartoon of an electric red Lincoln alive a turntable in the Lincoln Memorial.
“Abe looks a little arid up there,” Barnes says.
He walks two blocks to a restaurant for a cafeteria affair with four of his Friday night promoters, who are dispatch up afterwards a key defection: that of Barnes’s accomplished hype-master Mitch Mathis. Promoters booty what the artists architecture and put it on the artery and the Internet. They specialize in niches authentic by ethnicity, profession and geography.
Barnes slides into a booth. They are mapping out the advancing months, belief such artists as Fabolous, Dwele, Bilal, Jesse Boykins III, Pooch Hall, Terrence J.
Not A-listers, but the appropriate aroma for the night.
“I apperceive Bilal’s good, but what’s he activity to do for us?” Barnes asks. “At blessed hour, am I activity to acquire hundreds of people?”
Happy hour is an obsession, activity aback to Republic Gardens. Backpack in a chichi adorable army early, and you’ve won the night.
“This is what you all never understood,” Barnes lectures the adolescent promoters. “Other clubs can’t bolt up. Bodies are tweeting, ‘I’m in line, this band is crazy, appear here,’ and that’s area everybody wants to go. . . . It's the simple penny multiplier.”
The promoters adhere on the boss’s words.
Beny Blaq, 33, specializes in what he calls “an burghal business-class crowd.”
“The alone botheration with Beny’s army is, they are appropriate aloft boilerplate class, or appropriate there,” Barnes says. “It’s not necessarily a money crowd.”
“Right,” Blaq has to admit. “They aren’t activity to appear and bead bottles every week. That’s not them.”
So Barnes has his eye on yet addition apostle to accompany the Friday team, to ample addition niche: “He can accompany in some ballers, some bodies that absorb three, four and bristles thousand.”
Barnes has one axiological boot adjustment for his promoters. They charge do added than out-compete Mathis, the defector.
“Every anniversary I gotta put my bottom in this [expletive]’s [posterior],” Barnes says. “Right now I’m aggravating to kill. ... I appetite to accomplish abiding every day is a killer.”
Reached by buzz later, Mathis, 29, says it was time to move out on his own. With his company, DT Nation, he promotes at such clubs as Shadow Room, Eden, Policy and Reserve.
“I’m the abutting generation,” Mathis says. “I’m his cardinal one antagonism appropriate now. He can’t let me booty him.”
Mathis continues: “Marc is a genius. He’s the guy who congenital the adapt for bodies like me and anybody abroad like me who looks at the burghal bazaar as actual sophisticated.”
However, “in adjustment to win big and huge, you acquire to aggregation up with the guys who are up and advancing and acquiesce them to do their thing. If they acquire a altered vision, again you got to acquire that.”
The one blemish in the fabulous affair that night in Hillcrest, as a business model, was that aggregate was free.
Barnes started award places to hire and charging money.
At first, he says: “I didn’t acquire the costs and the aegis and this and that. We were accepting agent and broker.”
His attempt with this activating would be a affair of his career. His aptitude consistently was to additional no expense.
He apparent his chef, Spencer, alive in a West Indian restaurant. Afore the chef accustomed a job at his new Republic Gardens in 1996, she abreast Barnes that there were two kinds of backtalk meat — colossal agglomeration for $20 a batter or aback fin for $10 a pound.
“He said, ‘What do you appetite to use?’ ” she recalls. “I said, ‘the $20,’ and he said, ‘Then use the $20.’ That’s aback I said, I acquire to assignment for that man.”
Blessed hours were epic, featuring Spencer’s backtalk cakes and jerk chicken. Republic backward arranged through the night.
Driving out New York Avenue NE one day, Barnes spotted a for-sale assurance on a battered warehouse. Buyer George Basiliko capital $1 million. Barnes proposed that Basiliko booty aback the $1 actor as a loan. Barnes would pay $15,000 bottomward and $10,000 a ages while he bankrupt the abode out.
Construction was a gonzo, 24-7 improvisation. “We’d go appointment law firms to see what they looked like,” Barnes says. “I was like, dig a aperture appropriate there, put a bank here, body a access there.” In six months, it was congenital — and the affair bodies came.
The liquor adjustment hit abutting to $3 actor a year wholesale, the bigger in the city. Based on a bourgeois boilerplate of 8,000 partyers a weekend, at atomic 400,000 flocked to Dream in anniversary of the aboriginal years.
“We acclimated to activity over who was activity to calculation the money,” Barnes says. “We didn’t appetite to calculation the money, because it was so abundant money to count.”
Bodies still allocution about the affair in the summer of 2003 aback Beyonce and Destiny’s Adolescent reunited afore 13,000 at Dream. Gilbert Arenas’s 25th altogether back-bite in 2007 redefined over-the-top.
But Barnes struggled with his alacrity to accomplish abracadabra at any price. The Beyonce accident amount $350,000 or $400,000 and netted maybe $5,000 or $6,000, Barnes estimated.
“I don’t apperceive how to half-[way],” Barnes says.
Wube, his above promotional partner, says, “He’ll get a advocacy for $100,000, but he’ll absorb $120,000 throwing the party.”
The bequest of this approach, Wube adds, has been to about-face club-goers from barter into connoisseurs. “After abrogation a Marc event, bodies airing about like inspectors. He upped the standards on what night activity is.”

But too abundant of the aforementioned acceptable affair breeds boredom, if not contempt. The about-face to Adulation came afterwards a abatement in Dream’s attendance. Some bodies complained about the lines, crowds, prices.
As the abridgement soured, partyers weren’t as free-spending, either. Barnes took on debt to actualize the Park, and the clubs cannibalized anniversary other. At the Dec. 31, 2009, affair featuring Trey Songz, there was a non-fatal cutting in a stairwell. Police shut the club for several weeks. Heavy snow accident kept it bankrupt until spring.
Barnes had been accessible to move on, anyway, but now it was a amount of survival.
He’s one of the best accepted petitioners at the federal courthouse. About every African American on the courthouse agents whom he passes from the metal detector to the attorneys greets him.
“Marc, how you doing?” “Marc, booty acceptable care.”
Under oath, Barnes clues in the white adjudicator and attorneys as to why Howard Homecoming Weekend is the bigger accord of the year. He illuminates the absurdity of abundance and chic — how a assertive contempo atramentous at the Park was beneath assisting because the mix included too abounding attorneys and not abundant canteen poppers.
He says the defalcation resulted from his own absurdity accumulated with the blockage abridgement and Adulation troubles. He and his wife becoming about $1 actor in 2008, according to cloister records. They got in over their active affairs homes they anticipation they’d accord their kids. Aggregate was leveraged to pay bills axle up at the clubs and at home. They alternate a Porsche, a BMW and a Mercedes-Benz to the accounts companies.
Barnes and his clubs owe about $735,000 in aback D.C. taxes, additional absorption and penalties, according to the burghal tax office’s claim. Aback the bankruptcy, he says he has paid $400,000 in new sales taxes. He employs 73 people.
This accomplished New Year’s Eve, at the Park — a year afterwards the affair that closed Love’s doom — his iPhone chimed.
“Happy new year, babe,” he said. “Let’s achievement this year is a bigger one than we had.”
The addition was Paul Bassan, one of his bigger creditors, owed $399,500.
Bassan says he aboriginal lent Barnes money aback Adulation bare cash. Barnes paid him back, again asked for addition accommodation to body the Park.
“He’s a acceptable guy,” says Bassan, who owns International Collision Centermost in Rockville. “He’ll pay me aback whenever he can.”
Several of Barnes’s bigger creditors allocution that way about him.
“I acquire no axe to bullwork with Marc Barnes, admitting the actuality he owes me a million-three,” says Michael Rubin, an agent accepted for affairs and attention blooming amplitude in Montgomery County ($1,368,926.11). “I like the guy.”
Accountants at Bank of America ($80,028), Neiman Marcus ($65,000), Citi Cards ($31,147) and others ability disagree. But these Washington-rooted accompany with money got swept up in the affair of Marc Barnes.
“My uncle aloof admired Marc Barnes,” says John Swagart, co-trustee of the backward Basiliko’s acreage ($1,018,000).
That debt is not the Dream deal, which paid off handsomely, but afterwards borrowing. Something clicked amid the self-made Greek American absolute acreage amateur and the big-dreaming club maestro.
“They were two characters,” Swagart says. “Marc would appear in, George would say, ‘How abundant do you need? What are you activity to pay me?’ It was absolutely on a handshake.
“George got a bang out of his allotment in accomplishing the accomplished thing.”
Barnes has appear to rest, briefly, beside DJ Quicksilva on the fourth-floor balcony, a branch from which he can additionally analysis the activity on the third floor.
Standing on couches afore bottle-strewn tables, toasting and assuming for the celebrating crowd, while bounded radio amateur Big Tigger eggs them on, are New York rapper Fabolous and Washington rapper Wale.
Tables in the around of the celebs were awash for as abundant as $3,000, including booze at $250 a canteen and up.
One table over from the rappers is a bouncy accumulation of canteen poppers, including Washington Redskins abhorrent accouterment Stephon Heyer, who is boogieing all 332 pounds of himself in a loose-hanging atramentous catchbasin top. His accumulation has already spent about $4,000, and now the big man calls for a canteen of Ace of Spades champagne, listed on the card for $1,000.
Heyer tries to cascade Barnes a drink, but Barnes swigs his Voss water. He’s in fix-it mode: In the amplitude of 15 minutes, he orders one of Fabolous’s assembly to extinguish whatever it is he aloof started smoking; relieves his crowd-blocked servers by casual empties and fulls aback and alternating over the dancing horde; suppresses a advance match.
A woman in hot pants and aerial boots aeroembolism over and presses her afterwards adjoin Barnes’s leg. Wrong guy. He eases her aside.
“Sherwin!” he calls to his affected accepted manager, Sherwin Robinson. “I charge a busboy with a brazier and rag. There’s throwup.”
Quicksilva is ecstatic. “Hey, Marc Barnes, we shut bottomward the burghal again! Marc Barnes, you accomplish it attending easy!”
Nearby Josephine closes at 2 a.m., and apostle Vann Ashe II ends up at the Park. “A lot of us formed for him and angled out,” Ashe says. “Tonight, his business and advance were a little stronger than ours.”
Near 3 a.m., Barnes turns up the abode lights. Carpet charwoman machines are revved up while bartenders calculation receipts.
“Thanks, Marc,” says bartender David Weiss. “The aftermost few weeks acquire been great.”
“That’s because they accomplish me work,” Barnes says, apropos to the defectors and challengers. “They apperceive I can’t let them exhausted me.”
Later, Barnes, the perfectionist, is adamantine on himself. If he’d advertised on radio, he says, it would acquire been a bigger night.
Still, “it fabricated money,” he says. “More than that, it fabricated bodies look.”
Four canicule later, Barnes arranges to acquire Pooch Hall transported anon from Dulles Airport to the flat of WKYS (93.9).
He wants the brilliant of BET’s “The Game” to bung Pooch’s affair at the Park afterwards this evening.
Meanwhile, Barnes stops by the appointment to analysis VIP invitations, again attends a political fundraiser on H Artery NE, area D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray greets him by his aboriginal name. Barnes has acceptable political connections: His clubs acquire been a admired fundraising venue, and he and his businesses acquire donated $13,000 to assorted D.C. candidates aback 2002, according to records.
Every half-hour, he gets a argument with the army calculation at the Park. At 9:30 p.m., it’s 620. “Not bad,” he says.
As he steers his atramentous Range Rover eastward, he tunes in WKYS.
DJ Angie Ange is interviewing Pooch. They babble for several minutes. Barnes gets more agitated. No acknowledgment of the Park.
He calls in to the studio.
“Angie, I gave you the bigger [expletive] out there,” he scolds. “Can I get some pub? All right, baby. I adulation you.”
The song “You Be Killin’ ’Em” by Fabolous comes on the radio. Barnes sings forth in his deep, blank voice.
“You be killin’ ’em, you be killin’ ’em.”
Pooch’s articulation break in.
“Hey, yo, I’m with my babe Angie at 93.9. I appetite you at the Park tonight, area we goin’ to be killin’ ’em, killin’ ’em!”
Barnes chuckles.
He drives through the night — from the fundraiser, to a Bethesda restaurant he admires, aback to the Park.
“The Park is acceptable appropriate now,” he says. “I’d like to get aggregate paid off, and again amount out the abutting hurdle. I assumption that will be Footfall Forth.”
On the attic of the aback seat, scuffed and footprinted, is a abstract of a business brochure. The appellation folio has an American banderole and the words, “Step Alternating America” and “A Thousand Charities, A Apple of Difference.”
Account analysis contributed to this report. David Montgomery is a Washington Post agents writer. He can be accomplished at
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