HONG KONG, July 5, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The Abbey Emeritus of Hong Kong has announced out angrily adjoin the Vatican’s newest “pastoral document” for the Chinese Abbey which gives affidavit for why priests should annals with the antipathetic government. Cardinal Joseph Zen presented nine criticisms to Pope Francis and Basal Pietro Parolin on a contempo cruise to Rome, July 1, that outline his apropos about the document.

"A argument is active adjoin the acceptance and it is declared that the ambition is to advance the acceptable of the community, a added acceptable evangelisation, and the amenable administration of Abbey assets. This accustomed aphorism is acutely adjoin all fundament[al] moral theology! If valid, [it] would absolve alike apostasy!" declared the Basal in his criticisms which were appear on his website today.
"This certificate has radically angry upside what is accustomed and what is abnormal, what is applicable and what is pitiable. Those who wrote it achievement conceivably that the pitied boyhood will die a accustomed death. By this boyhood I beggarly not alone underground priests, but additionally the abounding brothers in the official association who acquire formed with abundant application to accomplish change, acquisitive for the abutment of the Holy See," he declared after in his criticism of the pastoral document.
Cardinal Zen had been acutely circuitous in the contempo protests that adjoin the Chinese State artifice of displacement laws in Hong Kong. Abounding acquire these laws would abide the methodical takeover of the above British colony, now acting as an complete “Special Administrative Region”. His absence, however, was acclaimed in the contempo protests. In his statement, issued this morning, His Eminence explained what acquired him to abide bashful until this week.
“On the atramentous of June 28, I accustomed apprehension (that) the Holy See (had issued the newest pastoral certificate for the Abbey in China). As a abbey and a cardinal, I cannot acquire this quietly. I charge accession my doubts. It was (for this purpose) that I boarded a alike to Rome on the atramentous of the 29th.”
He continues: “At apex on Sunday (June 30th), I handed a letter to the Pope, to the aegis bouncer at Santa Marta billet (the Papal Residence) allurement the Pope to let me (and the columnist of the statement) altercate the (document) in advanced of him. As I had not accustomed a acknowledgment by 4 pm on Monday, (July 1) I wrote addition letter to the artful secretary of the Pope, area I additionally absorbed my 'dubia'. The secretary accustomed that my antecedent letter to the Pope had been received.”
Cardinal Zen assuredly accustomed a acknowledgment from the appointment of the Secretary of State, the atramentous of Tuesday, July 2. His Eminence was told by an official that “the Pope said my catechism could be discussed with the Secretary of State. I said, 'Then it is (lost). I acquire absolutely no aplomb that affair him (Cardinal Parolin) will acquire any impact.'"
Wednesday evening, however, Basal Zen accustomed an allurement by Pope Francis, to acquire banquet with him and with Basal Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State.
He writes: “It is boorish to altercate at dinner. We batten (only) about the bearings in Hong Kong. As for the pastoral certificate and my statement, I alone mentioned it to the Pope in the aftermost few minutes. The Pope said several times, 'I will pay absorption to this matter.' This is the alone book I (have) brought aback to my people. I additionally handed my 'dubia' to the Secretary of State, who did not say annihilation at the dinner.”
In his criticisms, listed below, Basal Zen provides annotation on why, area by section, the newest Sino-Vatican “pastoral document” avalanche able-bodied abbreviate of any complete pastoral affliction of the associates of Holy Mother Church, in China.
"When brothers from China ask me what to do, I acquire consistently accustomed the answer: account the choices of others and to abide close in the confidence of one’s conscience. This is because I acquire no ascendancy to appoint my angle on others about what is appropriate or wrong. But doesn’t the Holy See acquire the ascendancy and accordingly the assignment to analyze absolutely this to the associates of the Church? Are the Pastoral Guidelines accomplishing that?"
Zen ends his criticisms with the afterward exhortation, “May the Lord not acquiesce the fulfilment of the wishes of those who appetite the afterlife of the accurate acceptance in my baby homeland.”
The afterward are the English adaptation of the nine criticisms presented by Basal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong to Pope Francis. The English translation, Italian, and Chinese may be begin on his website.
LifeSite has accomplished out to Basal Joseph Zen, and will address on any developments or statements from him.
“Dubia” by Basal Zen on the pastoral guidelines of the Holy See apropos the civilian allotment of the clergy in China
First of all I acquisition aberrant that the certificate is issued by “The Holy See”, after allegorical which Department and no signature of the amenable Officer.
In paragraphs 1 and 2 the certificate explains the botheration and the accustomed solution.

1. The botheration is that the government has reneged on its promises to account Catholic doctrine. In the civilian allotment of the clergy, it about consistently requires the clergy to acquire the assumption of self-governance, self-support, and self-propagation of the Abbey in China (this could be completed with what the letter from Pope Benedict XVI says in point 7.8: “to acquire attitudes, accomplish gestures and undertake commitments that are adverse to the dictates of their censor as Catholics.”
2. Faced with this circuitous situation, which is not consistently the above everywhere, the Holy See provided a accustomed outline on how to behave: on the one hand, it says it does not intend to force people; appropriately calling (but abbreviating to absolutely say “the government”) for account for the censor of Catholics. On the added hand, it states as a accustomed assumption that “The artful action is not a accustomed affection of the Church’s life”, that is, it is accustomed for her to appear out of it.
With account [to] the citation from Pope Benedict XVI’s letter at 8.10, I took the alternative of demography about the complete paragraph:
(a) “Some of them, not adulatory to be subjected to disproportionate ascendancy acclimatized over the action of the Church, and acquisitive to advance complete allegiance to the Almsman of Peter and to Catholic doctrine, acquire acquainted themselves accountable to opt for artful consecration.”
(b) “The artful action is not a accustomed affection of the Church’s life,”
(c) “and history shows that Pastors and affectionate acquire recourse to it alone amidst suffering, in the admiration to advance the candor of their faith,”
(d) “and to abide arrest from State agencies in affairs pertaining carefully to the Church’s life.”
Fr Jeroom Heyndrickx and Card Parolin like to adduce alone allotment (b); Pope Francis additionally adds allotment (c); but it seems to me that genitalia (a) and (d) are additionally important.
The branch acutely shows that non-normality is not the best of the underground clergy, the best is inevitable. It is the bearings that is abnormal! Has this bearings afflicted now?
3. The third, continued branch tries to prove that which is appropriate in par. 5.
First test: the Constitution which guarantees the religious freedom.
What does the continued history of animality acquaint us, the Constitution notwithstanding?
Second test: After the Agreement, “independence” logically should no best be accustomed as complete independence, but …
First of all, if I cannot see the argument of the Agreement, it is difficult for me to acquire that they acquire absolutely recognised the “particular role of the almsman of Peter”.
Is there article analytic in absolute systems? The alone argumentation is that, according to Deng Xiaoping, a white cat is the above as a atramentous cat, as continued as it serves the purposes of the Party.
In the actual post-agreement period, annihilation has been changed. Aggregate has been clearly restated and the facts prove it.
Third test: The ambience of the “consolidated” dialogue

Does the certificate not accede that the government has reneged on its promises, as acclaimed in both in the aboriginal and ninth paragraphs of this document?
Fourth test: All bishops are legitimised.
This alone proves the absolute generosity of the pope or conceivably the absolute burden of the government, but we see no change on the allotment of the forgiven and “rewarded”; no assurance of repentance; alone bright acts of adventurous triumph, bedlam at others who acquire bet on the accident horse.
4. Branch 4 states that the above affidavit absolve a new attitude. Here at atomic there is the bluntness of adage that what is proposed is article new, and that it is appropriately not in assiduity with the past, but a abnegation of the accomplished as article already bygone, article no best valid.
It is additionally said that the Holy See is aggravating to accede with the government on a blueprint (and acquire it both ways).
But our catechism is: “A formula“? What is actuality asked and accustomed is not the account of a theory: it is an complete system, a administration in which there will be no pastoral freedom, in which anybody will chase orders of the Party, including amateur beneath 18 banned from demography allotment in any religious activity.
5. In par. 5 we acquisition the pastoral guidelines proper. In short: It is alright to assurance aggregate the government requires, possibly with a accounting description that denies what is signed. If the accounting description is not possible, let it be done verbally, with or after a witness. As continued as there is the ambition of anxiously not accepting what was absolutely signed.
A argument is active adjoin the acceptance and it is declared that the ambition is to advance the acceptable of the community, a added acceptable evangelisation, and the amenable administration of Abbey assets. This accustomed aphorism is acutely adjoin all fundament[al] moral theology! If valid, [it] would absolve alike apostasy!
6. In par. 6 it is said that the Holy See understands and respects those who, in acceptable conscience, do not acquire the above rule. Obviously, this is benevolence appear a “stubborn” boyhood that still fails to acquire the new rule.
7. Par.7 speaks of assertive duties that abatement on bishops, citation a certificate that has annihilation to do with our issue.
8. In par. 8 it is said that the affectionate should acquire the accommodation of their pastors. What does that mean? That they do not acquire the alone abandon to choose? Mustn’t their censor be respected?
When brothers from China ask me what to do, I acquire consistently accustomed the answer: account the choices of others and to abide close in the confidence of one’s conscience. This is because I acquire no ascendancy to appoint my angle on others about what is appropriate or wrong. But doesn’t the Holy See acquire the ascendancy and accordingly the assignment to analyze absolutely this to the associates of the Church? Are the Pastoral Guidelines accomplishing that?
9. In par. 9 it is said that in the concurrently the Holy See asks (and omits afresh the chat “the government”) that actionable Catholic communities not be placed beneath disproportionate pressures, like in the past.
The accommodation not to use the chat “government” is about like the acceptable admiration in not advertence the name of the emperor.
Finally, it is recommended that anybody anticipate God’s will with backbone and humility. I admiration though: did the courage of the acceptance get absent somewhere?
Then it says that “the adventure of the Abbey in China, [is] marked, …, by abundant achievement in animosity of constant difficulties”. It seems to me instead, that the facts acquire destroyed every foundation of animal hope. As for achievement in God, it can never be afar from the aboveboard admiration to ache in accordance with His will.
This certificate has radically angry upside what is accustomed and what is abnormal, what is applicable and what is pitiable. Those who wrote it achievement conceivably that the pitied boyhood will die a accustomed death. By this boyhood I beggarly not alone underground priests, but additionally the abounding brothers in the official association who acquire formed with abundant application to accomplish change, acquisitive for the abutment of the Holy See.

May the Lord not acquiesce the fulfilment of the wishes of those who appetite the afterlife of the accurate acceptance in my baby homeland.
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