I landed my aboriginal job in arrangement television in the bounce of 1981.

Johnny Carson had aloof taken The Tonight Appearance from 90 account to one hour and accustomed the added 30 account to the appearance that followed. The Tomorrow Show, as it was called, was renamed The Tomorrow Appearance Coast to Coast starring Tom Snyder—and it was a hot mess.
NBC admiral had brought in a flat admirers and affronted a once-intimate allocution appearance accustomed for absolute interviews with the brand of John Lennon and Alfred Hitchcock into a array appearance with arrant account queen Rona Barrett as the co-host in L.A.
Tom Snyder was miserable, Rona Barrett was worse and, as the adventure goes, the NBC apparel sat about 30 Bedrock aggravating to anticipate of the toughest being who could ascendancy their assertive anchors who they believed were acting like bad-tempered children. It didn’t advice that The Tomorrow Show’s controlling ambassador was Snyder’s chambermaid girlfriend. She would be the aboriginal casualty.
“What about that S.O.B. who acclimated to after-effects Mike Douglas?” one controlling proposed. Everyone knew who it was, but no one could bethink annihilation but his nickname: “The Nazi.” Eventually they tracked bottomward Roger Ailes at his political consulting abutting and assassin him. I had afresh confused to Los Angeles from Florida, area I’d formed for the Civic Enquirer and the Miami Herald amid added papers, and breaking into television had been a struggle. Afterwards animadversion on doors for six months, my aboriginal big breach came in the anatomy of an ABC one-hour appropriate hosted by David Frost that was advised to be the “60 Minutes” of the ball business.
ABC gave it the enviable time aperture as the advance in to the Academy Awards which, aback then, affirmed about 70 actor admirers and I would be absorbed to the alternation if it was successful.
Then this happened on the day of air, March 30, 1981: John Hinckley Jr. attempt President Ronald Reagan, the Academy Awards were postponed, all arrangement account capacity went to alive appropriate contest programming—except for ABC which aired our pilot adjoin footage of James Brady lying on the sidewalk. It was a alarming night all around.
Needless to say, the David Frost appropriate was not best up. Then, antibacterial best job prospects, the Writers Guild went on bang over acquirement streams from pay TV. The industry was activity to shut bottomward for months.
So I jumped at the befalling to accommodated with Roger Ailes to altercate a New York-based job with The Tomorrow Show.
Relocating to New York was a accommodation that advised heavily but I accomplished I had few options added than to farm my activity and ride out the bang with a defended job. At the end of our meeting, area he said he believed I had “flashes of brilliance,” Roger Ailes offered me a position as a articulation ambassador and told me to acquaintance the business diplomacy administration at NBC.
I somehow abiding ball advocate Judith Dornstein to booty a bargain fee to accessory over the accustomed boilerplate NBC was alms $45,000-a-year articulation producers. Afterwards that night, I alleged Roger to clearly acquire the job and he arrive me to cafeteria the abutting day.
Only this affair would be different. I can’t bethink the restaurant, but I can anamnesis every bit of the chat as if it was on videotape.
“When did you aboriginal ascertain you were sexy?” Roger began. My arch aback alone like a baby and I could no best accomplish eye contact.
I could alone administer to beam at my anxiety as I answered, “I am award this chat actual embarrassing.”
I anticipation and hoped that would be it. He beatific his signal. I beatific abundance back, I believed bright abundant but acceptance for no aching animosity or aching ego. Maybe he would try one added line—then, adventure over.
But that’s not what happened.
Roger was actual assiduous as he connected to explain how abundant he believed in adherence and how abundant he believed the best announcement of that adherence comes in the anatomy of a “sexual alliance.”
This was not a adventurous or amorous conversation. “Predatory” is not absolutely authentic either. Roger bidding a accurate abstract confidence that this would be mutually benign for us both, that he was attractive for a affiliation and it was somewhat appropriate that he had alleged me. So conceivably “cultish” needs to be in the mix.
Whatever it was, I now doubtable that this is the job I affronted bottomward a decade afore Laurie Luhn came along. Added on her in a minute.
Later that night afterwards our lunch, as he suggested, I phoned Roger and approved to anxiously accommodate my way about his proposition. “But I’d never date a boss, and besides, we hardly apperceive anniversary other. We don’t apperceive if we’d alike like anniversary added alfresco of the assignment environment,” I said.
“Oh, if it’s time you need, aloof say so.”
“Come on, Roger, how would that work, you’d appear into my appointment already a week, already a ages and say ‘Are you accessible yet?’”
He laughed at my scenario, afresh at some point appropriate I authority off with business affairs.
This debilitated me greatly. Why couldn’t I avert this? I took a Valium and channelled beneath the covers. I had already laid the background to farm my L.A. apartment, align for addition to accessory afterwards my car, and affliction of all, I had appear to my accompany and ancestors I was affective to New York to assignment for The Tomorrow Show.
Well, maybe I wasn’t the gutsy, fearlessly absolute or adeptness babe I anticipation I was. I’d catholic about the apple on assignments, been an editor at age 24 and a acreage buyer by 25. Afterwards any ancestors banking abutment and, again, the industry strike, I acquainted absolutely accessible for the aboriginal time. Sometimes I anticipate it’s the law of the jungle; we charge afford a scent.
The abutting morning, I phoned Judith Dornstein to acquaint her not to bother accepting any added conversations with business affairs. She went anon to her boss, the chief accomplice in the abutting who phoned me, outraged. He said he would fix it and aggregate that happened abutting happened afterwards my instructions or authorization.
The chief accomplice was Henry Bushkin, who had been Johnny Carson’s advocate for years. The ascendancy he wielded at NBC was incalculable.
He phoned the NBC arrangement lawyer, Mickey Rudin, who was bigger accustomed as Frank Sinatra’s attorney. Rudin phoned Ed “The Hook” Hookstratten, who was Tom Snyder’s attorney. They all fabricated a appointment alarm to Roger Ailes, afresh aback in his 30 Bedrock bend office.
Hookstratten began, “Roger, we’re calling because you accept a little ‘boy-girl’ botheration that’s appear to our attention.” He proceeded to lay out the details. “Hey, I’m single,” Roger protested. I doubtable the three attorneys afresh proceeded to explain why his conjugal cachet didn’t matter.

I don’t apperceive what abroad was discussed, but afterwards that appointment call, Roger’s ambition was now to argue me to booty the job.
The abutting day I was aureate aboriginal chic to New York to allege with Roger again. It was alarming for abiding and I no best capital to move cross-country beneath these circumstances. I anticipation I would accessory him in the eye and at atomic say, “You don’t amusement women in the abode like this.”
When I accustomed at his appointment I had to bandy out the calligraphy I had apposite in my apperception during the flight. Afore me was a man, no best larger-than-life, who was falling on his sword.
“Please absolve me, absolve me, this charge be boilerplate age craziness. I can’t accept what I did, how I batten to you. Please appear to assignment for me and you can be assured there’s one botheration we’ll never have. You still are the best applicant for the job.”
We batten at breadth and alike admitting I knew he had three activating attorneys with a gun to his head, I believed he was absolutely sorry.
Three weeks afterwards accepting the job at The Tomorrow Show, Roger and I catholic with Tom Snyder and an NBC aggregation to California State Medical ability at Vacaville area I had assertive Charles Manson to accord his aboriginal anytime televised interview. The account would amateur the boilerplate ratings of the appearance (6.9 vs. 22.2 million).
So aback to Roger’s announcement “sexual alliance.” I achievement this is not the byword that’s pulled into the account aloof because it sounds awful abundant to go viral. There’s a lot added to this adventure and a lot added to Roger Ailes—who cannot be corrective with one simple brushstroke.
Sexual aggravation in arrangement (and cable) television has prevailed for decades. It has abounding faces, genders, and legions of enablers. No one has yet nailed the pervasiveness, the bigotry, the abbreviating and corruption of over bisected the citizenry in the workplace. No one has nailed the account lost, the adroitness missing, the accident done.
As far as I know, the appellation “sexual harassment” was coined at Cornell University in 1975, as I was accepting my alpha in journalism. At the Civic Enquirer in the backward 1970s, I was added of a concern and amulet than an article of animal harassment—a kid sister to a abundant agglomeration of British guys who were quick to action “Fleet Street” advice: “If you appetite to get a story, don’t use the telephone. You've got to be a aperture knocker. Aback they accessible the door, put your bottom abutting to the aperture axle so they can’t abutting the aperture and you can accumulate pitching.”
But I additionally anamnesis accessory a Fourth of July barbecue in 1977, cutting a summer dress with my beard and architecture done. Suddenly, I was best up off the ground, whirled about and befuddled into a addled pond by a agents photographer.
I didn’t apprehend until years afterwards that was a adverse act for which I had to go forth to get along, appearance I was a acceptable sport. I agnosticism if the columnist accustomed it was a adverse act either; we were friends.
Ten years afterwards my acute cafeteria with Roger, the ambiguous abstraction of animal aggravation in the abode assuredly alveolate into a civic dialogue. In October 1991 Diane Sawyer and I watched a 35-year-old law professor, Anita Hill, affirm alive beneath adjuration afore the Senate Judiciary audition that Supreme Court appointee Clarence Thomas had sexually addled her.
Hill anon begin herself beneath advance by an all-white macho committee, one agent suggesting she had a psychiatric action in which a woman fantasizes a able man is in adulation with her. Others aged her over her accommodation to assignment for him at a additional job behindhand of the harassment.
I accustomed the acumen women assignment with their harassers. Why should we canyon up career opportunities? At the time a few of us swapped belief about the office. We were affronted at how Anita Hill was advised and I anguish up bearing for ABC News’ Primetime Alive what became the network’s aboriginal alternation of belief about animal harassment.
Ironically, Sam Donaldson was my ballast for three important stories. He accustomed abreast to me that he had spent his aboriginal years in the newsroom snapping women’s bra straps like an eighth grader.
A self-proclaimed adapted sexist, he now had his own developed babe and a adolescent wife alive in account as we set out calm to bisect the country and acquaint the adventure of “Tailhook,” the anniversary Navy affair where, in 1991, 26 women, including an Admiral’s aide, were egregiously harassed, beatific bottomward a gauntlet to be groped and assaulted by Navy and Marine Corps pilots.
The day afterwards our all-embracing adventure aired, President George H.W. Bush accustomed the abandonment of his secretary of the Navy.
Now we were on a mission. Our abutting adventure calm tackled abduction in the Navy and how about women who appear sex assaults were “processed out,” beatific aback home to their families, while their perps backward on, business as usual. Sam and I succeeded in adopting acquaintance and accepting the Navy to bead a check they had been giving women nick-named, “Were You Absolutely Raped?”
After that, we told the adventure of two guys in the Marine Corps who were hazed afterwards authoritative the cut for the aristocratic bashful assignment team. The way the aggregation acclaimed new members? They were bare naked, easily and anxiety aqueduct taped, and genitals corrective with a aggressive cossack brightness that independent toluene, a baneful actinic that burns the bark and is not baptize soluble.
They were afresh beatific bottomward a gauntlet area adolescent aggregation associates cutting gas masks as they abolished them with a animal waste/dead abrasion admixture that had been baking in the sun aback their accession for training bristles months earlier.
The hazing adventure was a boxy advertise at aboriginal to Rick Kaplan, afresh the controlling ambassador of Primetime Live, who likened it to hazing in his academy fraternity. Alike Sam Donaldson, who had abounding aggressive academy in his youth, batten of the claim of hazing rituals and the bonding that occurs after.
I argued that aloof like women, men had the appropriate to serve their country afterwards exceptionable affecting of their genitals. My altercation was helped as the absolute event, their acclaimed screams, were captured on videotape. Afterwards that adventure aired, the Marine Corps instituted its aboriginal anytime anti-hazing policy.
It takes a lot of adventuresomeness to angle up adjoin animal harassment. There are career after-effects for both women and men. Abundant of the time, aggravation has too abounding faces to alike admit aback it is happening. Whisper campaigns, apocryphal accusations, captivation women admiral to absurd standards not accepted of men.
Fast advanced to April 1993, aback I was alleged into a adept producer’s appointment area he, amidst by his chief producers, presented me with a altogether block with a penis on top.
I was aloof as ashamed as one of the seniors present, Betsy West, who had suffered the aforementioned corruption 17 years beforehand during her aboriginal job in radio. How did no one acquaint the bang-up this was a bad idea? Why has no one has told controlling producers that adolescent girls on agents don’t appetite a morning hug or an allurement to a bedrock concert with the boss.
Why didn’t anyone arbitrate aback it was bright that David Letterman gave appropriate favors to the abounding staffers he had sex with. And who abroad knew—or should accept accustomed the belief now advancing out of Fox News?
My point: You can’t aloof accept one villain, not alike Roger Ailes. For 30 years I accept witnessed a common ability busy by added than a few about abhorrent admiral and those who kept their jobs by not authoritative after-effects about them.

Days afterwards I was clearly transferred to ABC’s ball analysis from account area I had served as controlling ambassador of Primetime Live, I was aloof about sexually addled out the door.
I had abutting some colleagues for a alcohol adjacent the Columbus Avenue offices, aback a affiliate of the Primetime aggregation accustomed and headed in my direction. As he got close, he gave me a big buck hug, his appropriate duke blurred to grab and clasp the appropriate bisected of my buttocks.
“I can do this now that you’re no best my boss,” he said. “No you can’t,” I said as I stepped aback from his grip, absolute my 6-foot-4 alpine husband, David, who had been built-in abaft me on a low ottoman. David now stood up in my aegis and stepped in to the “greeting.”
Incredibly, this was aloof canicule afterwards the advanced folio arrest of Christian Slater for, as badge declared it, “basically avaricious a woman’s abaft on the street.” Allegedly intoxicated, Slater was abandoned and captivated on accuse of third amount animal corruption at the 19th Precinct in Manhattan. My Primetime harasser afterwards wrote a agenda to my bedmate acknowledgment for his behavior.
Now I am not aggravating to serve as the chastity police. I abhorrence that we can no best feel safe complimenting anniversary other, but that’s a baby amount to pay.
Plenty of bodies do accommodated and abatement in adulation in the workplace. Some get married, others abominably move on. It becomes altered aback the affair involves the boss—like Disney’s Bob Iger, ABC News’ David Westin, and CBS’ Les Moonves who all affiliated their subordinates, as did Roger Ailes.
Fifteen years afterwards alive together, Roger, the actual accustomed arch of Fox News, and I, afresh controlling ambassador of Acceptable Morning America, were built-in forth with added media captains at a table for cafeteria with aboriginal adult Laura Bush.
We had both appear a connected way. For the abutting years, Roger and I connected casual lunches on our own, talking about backroom and our lives. He batten a lot about his adolescent son Zach and wondered if he should footfall aback from Fox to abduction the few years they had calm afore college. “He doesn’t charge Mr. Mom,” I offered.
Meanwhile Roger animated anniversary of my promotions, afresh consoled me aback I was pushed out of my controlling apartment at ABC Account afterwards 17 abundant years.
During the summer of 2012, Roger phoned me to say he was advising me for a big job—to run CNN. (The job went to Jeff Zucker who afresh bound took over the job of the man who assassin him.) That aforementioned year, aback Roger abstruse I was aggressive cancer, he beatific me a behemothic bassinet from Rao’s absolute six pastas and six altered sauces.
He amid a claimed agenda to my bedmate that if he (Roger) could amount out how to baker the capacity of the package, so could David. We had not formed calm in 31 years. It is difficult to accommodate the two Rogers.
You alone accept to accessory at best of the women on air at Fox to accept they are, at least, ally in their own objectification. Although Roger was affected to abandon in the deathwatch of an centralized analysis of harassment, he has denied any delinquency or wrongdoing.
Women abide to footfall forward, some appliance their absolute names like Laurie Luhn the above Fox Account booker and accident artist who ultimately larboard the aggregation with a appear $3.15 actor in accumulated calm money.
She says that for 20 years, she serviced Roger sexually and abiding closed-door affairs amid Roger and adolescent changeable staffers in acknowledgment for career advance and a acceptable salary. While Roger absolved abroad with a appear $40 actor severance, she says she anguish up in a brainy hospital afterwards aggravating to accomplish suicide.
I’m not aggravating to accumulation on, nor do I apperceive what absolutely happened to anyone but me. I don’t absolutely appetite to apprehend capacity or denials anymore. Afterwards watching, dodging, and experiencing animal aggravation for 30 years, I aloof appetite it to end. Accumulated animal aggravation videos and seminars haven’t fabricated a dent.
So what is the answer?
My big abstraction is to accept article in every abode affiliated to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commissions afterwards the official end of ageism in 1994.
Back then, in the actual after-effects of apartheid, those who were articular as victims of gross animal rights violations were arrive to accord statements and alike allege about about their experiences. Their perpetrators were additionally arrive to accord affidavit and accustomed a adventitious to appeal absolution from both civilian and bent prosecution.
Many accept these hearings served as a analytical footfall in the aerial alteration to a chargeless South Africa.
I am not, of course, suggesting that abode animal aggravation is the equivalent, about or otherwise, of the violence, death, imprisonment, torture, and added abuses perpetrated by the white administration on atramentous South Africans.
But absolutely the ablaze apparatus accustomed by Nelson Mandela to accomplish a affinity of amends and absolution in his anew reborn country could accept a added application.
This adventurous way advanced is, admittedly, an aggressive arrangement to accomplish a agnate affiance in the American workplace. But it’s bright that admiral accept bootless to badge their own staffs, as accept animal assets departments.
We apperceive they assignment to accumulate the aggregation out of agitation by alms settlements and accepting victims assurance non-disclosure contracts, while in too abounding cases the perpetrators and enablers are never asked to accede misbehavior.
Fox Account should booty the advance in a affectionate of animal aggravation Truth and Reconciliation project. I’ll advice adapt it.
It would be offered as the one adventitious in a lifetime to let all victims at Fox Account acquaint their stories, either in autograph or on tape, afterwards advancing beneath attack. At the aforementioned time, it would accord perpetrators and enablers an befalling to acknowledge and seek absolution afterwards retribution.
Sexual aggravation is a civic disgrace. You don’t accept to be captivated by the temples to be abashed and displaced. Alone a activity like this could advise what animal aggravation absolutely looks like, absolutely feels like, and accord the perpetrators and enablers an befalling to get an apprenticeship and beginning alpha at once.
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