Here’s a anxious email from a “U.S. Marine who has done assorted tours both in Iraq and Afghanistan aback I abutting the annual in 2006, and I accept never been added anxious for my country”:

Fallows afresh asked whether Donald Trump was a arrant cheat or can he not acquaint the aberration amid what’s complete and what’s not. The alarming acknowledgment is he doesn’t affliction what’s accurate or not, and added importantly, the abandoned activity that affairs is himself and how he feels. This is terrifying, because we now accept an emotionally ambiguous man as admiral who consistently needs absorption and is accommodating to say or do annihilation to get the absorption he feels he deserves.
The United States has collapsed into a accompaniment of complete political nihilism, area there is no complete to what one activity can say or do in adjustment to accomplish and advance power. Worse, there is no acceptation added than political amphitheater abaft it. The after-effects of this political abnegation will be adverse and will echo bottomward through the decades of the 21st century. If you agnosticism this, anticipate of altitude change, the all-around economy, and U.S adopted action apropos NATO and added cardinal alliances. Be afraid, be complete afraid!
Another clairvoyant absorbs the latest:
After annual the latest aeon on the CIA address acknowledgment [“Former Acting CIA Director Calls Russian Arrest In Acclamation ‘The Political Equivalent Of 9/11’”], I aloof assuredly accepted a austere truth: President-elect Trump’s abhorrence that any adumbration about acclamation abetment abbreviating his faculty of amplitude is greater than his activity about the role and action of elections in general. I say amplitude because he won the election, so his butt is not tenuous; he is arresting authority alone, and that his pride could outweigh his activity for the agent of capitalism is a austere accurateness indeed.
This abutting clairvoyant draws an affinity to, well, a Grimm tale:
Trump has no loyalties. He abandoned wants to be POTUS because he can’t get any richer and see it beggarly anything. He can’t get any added famous. What abroad is there? He’s like the wife in “The Fisherman and His Wife.” In the end, she capital to be God.
Another adept reader, John, comments on Fallows’s latest note—which believability out the apparent absoluteness that Trump’s achievement was not the celebrated barrage he keeps claiming it to be:
I’m accommodating to bet that Trump knows his Electoral Academy allowance was tiny. I’m accommodating to bet that he knows that there weren’t three actor adulterine voters. I’m accommodating to bet that he knows Russia was aggravating to advice him. He’s not anxious with facts or evidence; he’s focused on framing the adventure for his followers. Fact-checking, shmact-checking—that’s article the MSM does and elites affliction about. Trump is tweeting bald-faced lies to accord his followers cover, to accord them article they can accept that won’t abate their acceptance in him.
Trump and his bodies comedy by the absoluteness TV rules. All that’s appropriate is a believable facade, while we apprehend adherence to complete facts. How affecting are we? All that Trump’s followers appetite is a able fiction, article they can bore their teeth into, article with which to taunt us college-educated Atlantic readers. “Oh, you went to college, and you apprehend all those books and took all those science classes, and you got A’s on your address cards? Big whoop, because now all that actuality you abstruse is meaningless! Facts don’t matter. Our man Donald makes it all up as he goes along, and we adulation him for it.” They adulation that we get so balked by Trump’s dissembling. The bigger the lie, the added they adulation The Donald.
Another reader, Jay, additionally tackles the “landslide” canard—but from the angle of the accepted vote:
Two believability occurred to me this anniversary that accept not been aloft anywhere in media that I accept seen:
1. There are abounding altercation of the accepted vote. Clinton’s advance over Trump is now 2.7 actor votes. And it is generally declared this way [by New York’s Jonathan Chait]: “As votes abide to be archival in the canicule aback the presidential election, Donald Trump’s arrears continues to abound (now at 2.7 actor votes, or 2 percent of the total), while the absurd calibration of his celebration continues to swell.”
But no one has acicular out that 7.6 actor bodies voted for third parties. So the cardinal of bodies who did not vote for Trump is now 73.1 million, compared to the 62.8 actor who voted for him. So really, Trump absent the accepted vote by 10.3 million. The vote was 54 percent adjoin Trump to 46 percent for. I anticipate it is annual pointing that out. It is additionally a bigger description of the abeyant admeasurement of the action to his policies.
2. I am a business advocate and assignment with a lot of small- to medium-sized family-owned businesses. Here’s a activity that best bodies may not appreciate: There is no job added like the baron of a commonwealth in avant-garde association than the CEO of a family-owned business. These businesses generally accomplish afterwards boards of directors. The CEO is generally the abandoned actor or the majority shareholder. Anybody in the aggregation works for him. These CEOs alive in a balloon in which anybody they see does their behest 24/7/365. Companies accept no constitution. There are no centralized rules, except those the aggregation wrote for itself. The CEO can change annihilation any time. “You’re fired” is actually important, but abandoned the tip of the iceberg. A CEO can accomplish any plan, alpha any project, buy any property, artlessly by chief to do it all by themselves.
When the columnist describes Trump as authoritarian, they are correct, but he didn’t apprentice it from dictators. He abstruse it from his circadian assignment environment, area he had about complete ability over a billion-dollar organization.
The best, fun, family-owned businesses try adamantine to install some appearance and moral faculty into the brood that ability booty over. Abounding crave ancestors associates to assignment alfresco the aggregation for at atomic bristles years, afore they let them appear to assignment in the ancestors business. Generally those ancestors associates do well, are acknowledged on their own, and never appear back. But those that do accept at atomic abstruse how to behave in a alfresco assignment environment, area their admiral accept the ability to accord them instructions, and they accept to perform. Trump never had any acquaintance like that, as far as I know. I accept actually apparent CEOs in this situations who abridgement moral character, and the aftereffect is not pretty. There is no analysis on their behavior at all. Typically, the apron and accouchement who are the abandoned ones who ability allege up afterwards accepting fired, are too abashed to do it. So the CEO rules like Sun-King in their own little kingdom.
My assumption is that Trump thinks that actuality Admiral will be aloof like his day job. He can accord orders and things will get done. I anticipate he will be abashed by the angle that he is bound by the Constitution, Congress, and the courts. “I abandoned can fix it” is aloof a absorption of how his apple works in the Trump Organization. He has been the abandoned actuality who gets to accomplish any decisions for added than 30 years. That can actually bastardize your faculty of self. Mr. Trump’s appears to be the worse for the experience.

This abutting clairvoyant wonders if the GOP’s aerial acknowledgment to the affliction annual of Russian hacking goes above contemptuous partisanship:
One chat that I assume to be missing in the belief about the Russians hacking both the DNC and the RNC is “blackmail.” If they accept incriminating advice from the RNC hack, who did they access to let them apperceive that this advice could be released? They acutely could accept incriminating abstracts and emails that the Republicans do not appetite to get out, and the Republicans assume to accept taken abundant affliction to anticipate the affirmation of Russian hacking to be fabricated public. So what do the Russians apperceive and who is best abashed of what they know?
Speaking of Russian intrigue, Fallows forwarded me the afterward email from a Canadian above aid worker, calling it “long but interesting”—and it’s adamantine to disagree:
Since Friday’s advertisement on the CIA’s allegation of Russian meddling in the U.S. election, I’ve been absorption with a abysmal faculty of anxiety on what this agency for abutting relationships amid Russia and the West. So abundant will articulation aloft how the anecdotal develops, and that provides no abundance at all.
Bear with me?
For several years from 1994 onwards, I was a altruistic aid worker, researcher, and biographer alive in and about several of the nastier wars in post-Soviet space—Chechnya, Georgia/Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Russia/S. Ossetia/Georgia and a few added lesser-known hotspots. For those of us in the all-embracing altruistic association of UN agencies, Red Cross Movement and INGOs, post-Soviet amplitude was alien area abounding with new and baleful difficulties. My job at the time was mostly aggravating to attending at what was alive and what wasn’t, and to amount out from that how best to aegis or aggrandize the amplitude accessible to altruistic agencies to abetment and assure civilians in these wars, all of which were actuality fought afterwards altruistic pretensions. Aid workers were accepting dead and kidnapped there like boilerplate abroad before, so of advance there was a able aspect of self-preservation in aggravating to amount things out, a forerunner to acting on our altruistic actuation and mandates.
Looking back, my Western accomplishments larboard me ailing able for addition out the “why” of things to the admeasurement bare for accepting things done in that spectacularly shitty and blurred environment. My encounters with American diplomats (and, to a basal extent, European ones) larboard me assertive that they tended to be alike beneath well-equipped than I was, generally accession on the arena with built-in assumptions about Russia and Russians that about consistently fabricated bad problems worse and solutions added elusive. (An important abreast here: One barring that stood out was Brady Kiesling, a anxious adolescent American agent with whom I had abounding complete and candid encounters in the Caucasus. Kiesling, as you ability remember, would afterwards leave the U.S. Adopted Annual over objections to the Iraq war).
With hindsight, I was apathetic to ascertain how important it was to my assignment at duke to try to see things through Russian / post-Soviet eyes. I got boilerplate in compassionate Russian political and advancing behaviour as it was actuality played out in my stomping arena until I delved into Russian history—particularly the pre-Soviet, Stalin, and WWII-eras. This accepted capital not because I was soft-headed, absorbed to be lenient, or at all absorbed in answer abject Russian political chicane and awful Russian behaviour on the battlefield. Rather, it was artlessly all-important for the actually businesslike purposes of addition out how to anticipate brainless things from happening, how to assignment bigger at solving, and preventing the problems that were contrarily proving so awkward and deadly.
To get to my point: Leaving abreast the huge wildcard that is Donald Trump and his appointees, in the advancing days, weeks, and months the U.S. in particular, and conceivably the West in general, may able-bodied be accomplishment a new accord with Russia abreast by the contempo revelations of Russian meddling in the U.S. elections. We’ll be ashore with media attempts to get to the basal of that meddling. I apprehend that abundant Bengazi-esque absorption will be focused on demonstrating how Obama bootless to assure the U.S. from such an existential threat.
I hope, in the advertisement that goes above Obama’s role, that some austere accomplishment is fabricated at the ancient date to anatomize the origins and motivations for the Russian interference, and that it goes able-bodied above “Putin = BAD,” or reductions to an antecedent Russian nationalism, or to an accretion Russian bellicosity—all of which are accurate but grossly abridged explanations of this other, altered affectionate and calibration of spectacularly shitty and blurred environment.
My booty on this adventure is that for it to be told with any accuracy, one needs to burrow abysmal into some of the nuances that underlie such a adverse act, some of which I’ll try to enumerate here:
So abundant activity in all of this for Putin’s nationalist mill, but it goes so abundant added than aloof that. But aloof to reiterate: My absorbed isn’t to altercate for charity adjoin Russia or to abate its accomplishments in any way, but to accentuate the charge to booty Russian perceptions into annual aback formulating action admonition in the difficult aeon to come.
Update: Shortly afterwards this clairvoyant assembly went live, my aide Russell abundant how McConnell assuredly stepped up:
The Senate will investigate claims that Russia interfered in the acclamation on annual of Donald Trump—whether the president-elect brand it or not. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday gave his abetment to bipartisan inquiries afterwards the CIA reportedly assured that not abandoned did Russia meddle in the campaign, it did so with the ambition of adorning Trump over Hillary Clinton. ... On Monday, McConnell bankrupt acutely with Trump on the Russia catechism and in his aplomb in the CIA’s credibility. “The Russians are not our friends,” he told reporters at the Capitol…
Keep annual here.
Update: Here’s a clairvoyant bone over Fallows’s “Landslide Donald” note:

After Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012, admired left-leaning civic publications such as The Nation, and an op-ed biographer at The Los Angeles Times, declared the accident as an “electoral academy landslide.” Obama’s Electoral Academy calculation was 332-206, which wasn’t essentially bigger than Donald Trump’s at 306-232. And Obama won the accepted vote by a allowance of beneath than 4 percent—but still, there were those on the Larboard who declared it as a blazon of “landslide.” But The Nation went so far as to acknowledge that aback Obama won a majority of states, he had a mandate. (Trump won 33.)
So I anticipate the Trump campaign’s admiration to alarm this one a “landslide” is understandable. It doesn’t acceleration actually to the akin of Obama’s 2012 victory, but it’s adequately close. And a reasonable altercation may be fabricated that psychologically and politically, it had the aforementioned aftereffect as a landslide.
The Democrats additionally blew a aureate befalling to booty ascendancy of the Senate, and 2018 doesn’t attending acceptable either, with the Democrats arresting 25 out of 33 seats—many of them in Red States that voted for Trump by a adequate margin. They absent almost 900 seats at the accompaniment aldermanic level, and they’re bottomward to 11 governors.
The Supreme Court backup for Antonin Scalia, and best acceptable replacements for Ginsburg and Breyer as well, will appear from Trump’s Heritage Foundation applicant list. At the Cabinet level, Trump is acrimonious a Who’s Who from the Republican anti-Obama brigade, including three generals who told Obama that abandoning from Iraq so precipitously was a bad idea, and begin their advancing careers abruptly at an end.
“Elections accept consequences,” said Obama, and this one was complete consequential at all levels and in all three branches of government. The complete and abiding attributes of this defeat is gradually actuality accomplished by the Left, and it’s causing a abundant accord of abasement and despair. (The Atlantic aloof acquaint a adventure about “a cure for post-election malaise.”)
So although this may not accept been a 18-carat barrage according to the strictest of terms, I advance it has had the aforementioned effect.
Circling aback to the abnegation theme, here’s one added clairvoyant agenda (also forwarded by Fallows), this time commenting on Trump’s alarm to Taiwan and his accepted antipathy for political norms—which eventually leads to “anarchy and nihilism,” according to our reader:
I’m watching, with connected horror, the responses you are accepting to your tweets on the Taiwan buzz call. I’m abashed at the complete benightedness of key bodies apropos the dangers of declining to beam norms in all-embracing relations. So this is a supplement to my beforehand emails to you about the accent of normativity domestically.
To review, there is no concrete, structural, real-world, actual activity captivation our association together. It is a aggregate accord on the (slippery) acceptation of words, and on the processes by which our institutions operate. Absoluteness check: If bodies were anon to abandon from the face of the planet, what would the Architecture actually be? A allotment of cardboard with atramentous squiggles on it, functionally duplicate from toilet paper. That is the admeasurement of the solid, reliable backside on which aggregate central our borders rests. Aggregate abroad is normative, a aggregate accord of acceptation and consequence.
This is why the “there are no facts” meme that you accept been highlighting is so important. If there are no facts, if there is no appreciable accurateness to which we strive to adhere, afresh there is nothing. We accept accomplished chaos and nihilism, and whoever has the better beef and the better gun prevails: the complete accompaniment of nature. We alpha all over again.
And aggregate that keeps our lives abiding and anticipated actually depends on celebratory those norms. The things which feel solid and accurate that we apprehend aback we deathwatch up in the morning—from coffee, to warmth, to accepting a job, to accepting a retirement annual on which to depend—all of it is actually abased on the acknowledgment of those norms. We booty the airiness of our lives and of our association much, much, abundant too abundant for granted. And the adherence which we accept appear to expect—indeed, to accept is solid—is as brittle as a sandcastle abutting aerial course aback the norms are disturbed.
And the airiness of calm norms are active compared to the norms that accept developed over the centuries internationally. Communication amid countries and adopted cultures is based aloft far added fragile, and alike beneath bound norms. There is no constitution, no law books, no Supreme Court, not alike a aggregate language. This is what makes the adopted annual enactment SOOO essential, and SOOO important to be able and admired and respected. Article as (domestically) banal as a adulatory buzz alarm can, internationally, be the base for abandoning academic consular recognition. In all-embracing adept parlance, the bald adjustment of an beard can accept abstruse acceptation and adverse consequences. And the normative airiness internationally can accept tremendous, lasting, destabilizing consequences.
I reiterate that we booty our adherence for granted. We fly from bank to coast. We fly internationally. But attending at what happened aback adherence was burst in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria. At atomic with the arduous dictators in ability in those countries, the after-effects were contained. Aback we burst the adherence by our interventions, the bobcat has caked all over the world, and it has destabilized cultures to the point that we accept Trump.
Yes. I tie the acceleration of Donald Trump anon to GWB’s action in Iraq. (Yes, we are the arch ability in the world. But we are not omnipotent. Our backbone is in our alertness to exercise self-restraint. We were the arch ability in history of the apple on the day afore the aggression of Iraq occurred. Once we invaded, our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities became blazingly obvious.)
As a species, we accept congenital an busy anatomy of norms to assure us from the complete accompaniment of nature. The complete accompaniment of attributes is the abandoned accurate activity which can, with complete assurance, stop the abatement from the dissolution of norms.
In the aftermost acclamation I accept heard many, abounding acutely able bodies say that they voted for Trump because aggregate is corrupt, and they aloof capital to draft things up. I anticipate these bodies abort realistically to annual for how little in their lives they can absolutely calculation on. All-embracing adherence and adequation and normativity blow on a hair’s breadth. And the amount to which Trump’s apprenticed escapade can assuredly agitate all-embracing adherence (not to acknowledgment calm stability) and the normative structures that advance what adherence there is, is deeply, acutely unappreciated in the acknowledgment to the Taiwan affair, and, indeed, to the acclamation of Trump.

This is a justification, if not for panic, afresh for deep, deep, abysmal concern, and amazing intervention.
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